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Singly Linked List and Doubly Linked List in Data Structure

singly linked list, doubly linked list, singly linked list in data structure, doubly linked list in data structure, circular singly linked list, circular doubly linked list, circular singly linked list in data structure, circular doubly linked list in data structure, graph in data structure, adjacency list, doubly linked list in c, singly linked list program in c, doubly linked list java, reversing a linked list, singly linked list in c, in a singly circular linked list, singly linked list c++, types of graph in data structure, singly linked list java, python graph data structure, doubly linked list python, dfs using stack, doubly linked list program in c, singly linked list program in data structure, define graph in data structure, singly linked list python, directed graph in data structure, doubly linked list in c++, graph adjacency list, dfs uses which data structure, adjacency list python, doubly linked list program in data structure, shortest path algorithm in data structure, graph terminology in data structure, weighted graph in data structure, in doubly linked list, graph structure, doubly linked list in python, binary tree to doubly linked list, adjacency matrix in data structure, adjacency list directed graph, singly linked list in python, tree and graph, undirected graph in data structure, doubly linked list c++ code, depth first search uses which data structure, complete graph in data structure, simple linked list, insertion and deletion in doubly linked list in data structure, graph data structure c++, graph data structure java, tree and graph in data structure, graph data structure example, singly linked list program in c++, implementation of singly linked list in c, doubly linked list deletion, depth first search in data structure, dijkstra algorithm in data structure, doubly linked list insertion, simple linked list program in c, doubly linked list algorithm, singly and doubly linked list, javascript graph data structure, define singly linked 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What is singly Linked List-?

It is linear collection of data item called node where each node has divided into parts, i.e.., "Data part and link part". Data part store the data item and link part store the address of next node.
                Linked list start with a special pointer called start pointer and terminated with Null pointer.

Algorithm of Singly Linked List in Data Structure

Step 1:- begin i=7
Step 2:- Set i ⬅ st
Step 3:- Repeat step 4 and 5, while inull
Step 4:- Print data [i]
Step 5:- i ⬅ link [i]
Step 6:- Exit

What is Circular Singly Linked List-?

If a last node of singly linked list hold the address of start node, then the linked list is called circular linked list

Algorithm of Circular Singly Linked List

Step 1:- Begin
Step 2:- Set i ⬅ st
Step 3:- Print data [i]
Step 4:- i ⬅ linked [i]
Step 5:- Goto step 3, while ist
Step 6:- Exit

Algorithm to print content of Circular Linked List more then one time

Step 1:- Begin
Step 2:- Set i ⬅ st, j ⬅ 1
Step 3:- Repeat step 4 to 7 while j<=2
Step 4:- Print data [i]
Step 5:- i ⬅ link [i]
Step 6:- if i=st then
Step 7:- j ⬅ j+1
Step 8:- Exit

What is Doubly Linked List-?

It is the linear collection of data item called node where each node  has divided into three point, i.e.., data point, previous point and next point. Data part store the data item previous point store address of previous node. It starts with special pointer called first pointer and ending with last pointer.

Algorithm for Forward Traversing

Step 1:- Begin
Step 2:- Set i ⬅ first
Step 3:- Repeat step 4 and 5 while inull
Step 4:- Print data [i]
Step 5:- i ⬅ next [i]

Algorithm for Backward Traversing

Step 1:- Begin
Step 2:- Set i ⬅ last 5
Step 3:- Repeat step 4 and 5 while inull
Step 4:- Print data [i]
Step 5:- i ⬅ previous [i]
Step 6:- Exit

What is Circular Doubly Linked List-?

If a last node of doubly linked list hold the address of first node and first node of doubly linked list hold the address of last node then, the linked list is called circular doubly linked list.

Algorithm for Forward traversing of Circular Doubly Linked List

Step 1:- Begin
Step 2:- Set i ⬅ first
Step 3:- Print data [i]
Step 4:- i ⬅ next [i]
Step 5:- Goto step 3, while ifirst
Step 6:- Exit

Algorithm for Backward traversing of Circular Doubly Linked List

Step 1:- begin
Step 2:- Set i ⬅ last  
Step 3:- Print data [i]
Step 4:- i ⬅ previous [i]
Step 5:- Goto step 3, while i=last
Step 6:- Exit

Difference between Tree and Graph in Data Structure and C Language 




It is non-linear data structure 

It is also non-linear data structure 



It is a collection of nodes and edges 

It is a collection of vertices and edges 


T={nodes, edges} 

G={vertices, edges} 






There is a unique node is called root in tree 



There is no unique node called root in graph 




There will not be any cycle or loop 

A cycle can be formed 


Tree is a herarical model 

Graph is a network model 



It's always contains N-1 edges 

It contains number of edges depends on graph 





It is used to Searching, Inserting and Deleting any element in tree 

It is used to finding the shortest path in networking graph 

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